Well?? what do you think? a photography friend of mine desiged it for me. I love it and I can't wait to get it up on the website. That may have ti wait till tomorrow cause I am drowning in washing the needs to be folded right now......lol.
Well it is that time of year again. It has come around so fast. I will have 2 boys at school next year. I can't believe that my boys are growing up so fast. In fact my baby Tynan had his first haircut today...yes I know he is almost 19 mths old but it was his first. He had the most beautiful curls and they are now gone. I am hoping that they will come back after recovering from the shock of the hair cut......well I can be hopeful can't I....lol.
I want to say thankyou to all of my clients for supporting me this year. I hope you all have a fabulous christmas and an enjoyable new year with your families. May 2008 bring you all you dream of.
I also want to share just a few of my favourite photos from the year. There are so many to choose from and I couldn't include all of them. If I did you would be sitting here for quite a while....lol
Take care and I will see you in the new year.........
Meet Lucinda.........She is the most beautiful little girl and I got to take photos of her today. She is 10 days old and was so good. She slept pretty much the whole time I was taking photos. Only taking a break for a feed after I woke her trying to take photos of her feet. I also managed to snap a few photo of her big sister Catalina who was saying "no photos Natalie" " no photos Catalina" the whole time I was there....lol. She was just delightful and oh so polite.
So here you go Pamela and Robert just a few photos for you to look at till they are ready.
Well I photographed 7 kids aged 15yrs all the way down to 3mths. It was fun.....I knew the older kids when they were knee high to a grasshopper. In fact I used to change their nappies...lol. I just had to add that in. Here is just a peek......there were so many to choose from that I thought I would just pick 3 so I closed my eyes and chose these ones as I thought it would be the fairest way to do it. So here you go......there were so many more that I loved.
I am a SAHM to 4 beautiful boys. If you are interested in a photo session please contact me at natbice@gmail.com or on 0406 61 41 40
Member of the Australian Charity Of Childrens Photographers (ACOCP)