Over the weekend was the Royal Canberra Show. Now each year my Mum enters some of her wondeful artwork into the Art competition. This year she convinced me to enter some of my phtos into the photography section. I thought what the hell and chose 2 of my favourite photos right now to enter. So the show rocks around and I don't hear from the organisers so I assume that I didn't get anything.
Mum was sitting the exhibition on Sunday so I thought I would wander out and see the competition and have a coffee with her. WELL at about 11am on the Sunday morning the phone rings and it is mum all excited and I though Oh wow she won something how cool....BUT no it was me!!!! Both my photo won first prize in their respective sections. Colour Portrait (Tynan without the writing on it) and B&W (the gorgeous Lucinda). Well I will tell you that I did kinda hyperventilate. I was sooooo amazed that BOTH had won. So I go out to have a look and not only did I win my sections BUT Mum got a highly commended for one of her paintings.....and so did my Mother in Law. What a day it turned out to be.