since I shared some of my boys. We have had a lovely time lately. Liam has well and truly settled into school and is now bringing home readers to read at night. This is very exciting for him and something special as they don't start readers till 2nd term. He also turned 5 on easter Saturday. We had his party the week before and he was convinced that on his actual birthday he was truning 6 because he had celebrated his birthday with his friends the week before...when he turned 5...lol. Took some convincing but he did finally accept that he was 5.
Ryan hasn't been too well lately and after a series of blood tests over 2 months we have no found out that he had Glandular Fever. We had no idea...poor boy. He is now on the long road to recovery with lots of rest....and no homework lucky him. We are still making him do his spelling, though just not everyday.
I am loving having the 2 littlies home with me during the week though I am sure Conor would rather be at school with his brothers. We have been shopping and having coffee's and playing at the park.
So I will finish with some photos of the boys. The one of Liam was taken on his birthday during his special birthday photo session which I am now making a ritual for the boys on their birthdays.
I just need to get one of the big boy...who runs whenever I get the camera out lately.
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