Well?? what do you think? a photography friend of mine desiged it for me. I love it and I can't wait to get it up on the website. That may have ti wait till tomorrow cause I am drowning in washing the needs to be folded right now......lol.
Well it is that time of year again. It has come around so fast. I will have 2 boys at school next year. I can't believe that my boys are growing up so fast. In fact my baby Tynan had his first haircut today...yes I know he is almost 19 mths old but it was his first. He had the most beautiful curls and they are now gone. I am hoping that they will come back after recovering from the shock of the hair cut......well I can be hopeful can't I....lol.
I want to say thankyou to all of my clients for supporting me this year. I hope you all have a fabulous christmas and an enjoyable new year with your families. May 2008 bring you all you dream of.
I also want to share just a few of my favourite photos from the year. There are so many to choose from and I couldn't include all of them. If I did you would be sitting here for quite a while....lol
Take care and I will see you in the new year.........
Meet Lucinda.........She is the most beautiful little girl and I got to take photos of her today. She is 10 days old and was so good. She slept pretty much the whole time I was taking photos. Only taking a break for a feed after I woke her trying to take photos of her feet. I also managed to snap a few photo of her big sister Catalina who was saying "no photos Natalie" " no photos Catalina" the whole time I was there....lol. She was just delightful and oh so polite.
So here you go Pamela and Robert just a few photos for you to look at till they are ready.
Well I photographed 7 kids aged 15yrs all the way down to 3mths. It was fun.....I knew the older kids when they were knee high to a grasshopper. In fact I used to change their nappies...lol. I just had to add that in. Here is just a peek......there were so many to choose from that I thought I would just pick 3 so I closed my eyes and chose these ones as I thought it would be the fairest way to do it. So here you go......there were so many more that I loved.
These three kids are at school with my eldest boys. Hannah and Claudia are in preschool with Liam and Sam is 2 yrs above Ryan at primary school. I tell you, to me, it seemed like these kids really love each other it was so lovely to see. Now H and C are twins but so different. H has the most amazing bottichelli features with this gorgeous curly hair and C well she has the most intense dark brown eyes....you could drown in them and fine elfin features. They are just too gorgeous, wouldn't say boo to a mouse although their mum begs to differ. Now S well he has these gorgeous dark eyes and hair and lovely full lips. He will be fighting them off with a stick in a few years time. So for now I am just sharing these few photos in particular for thier dad who is currently over in Iraq on a 6 mth posting. So here you are.............your gorgeous children.
I found out about an amazing charity called the Australian Charity Of Childrens Photographers (ACOCP) through an online friend. They are the most amazing people. These are professional photographers who give up their time to go into local hospitals and give free photo sessions to families of seriously and terminally ill children aswell as premmie and stillborn babies. Now I don't proclaim to be a professional by any means but I thought this is something that I would love to do. To be able to use my talent to give something so special to these families when they need it most. So I sent of my application and found out on Wednesday that I had been accepted..........WOW. This is something that means alot to me so I am going to do my very best to give these families some special memories.
Then.............yesterday I recieved a phone call from the Tuggeranong Arts Center to say that a photo I had entered in their photography competition has been selected as a finalist. Well I was completley blown away.....YAY!! The judging is Sunday night at 6.30pm so I will let you all know how I went. The photo I entered is the one above titled.........Sleeping Beauty.
Well I was very lucky over the weekend, I got to meet one of the lovely ladies on EB and her darling little twin girls. She was so understanding as it was the first time I had taken phots of twins. Oh they were tiny......6weeks old, 1 week corrected. Ella slept the whole time but Samantha was a bit grumpy. Neither wanted a bar of being naked....lol. I did manage to get some beautiful photos though. It was an experience....one that I would like to do again. Did I mention they were tiny???????
I met the sweetest little girl the other day, and she was tiny. My big boofas were never that small...lol. She was a whole two weeks old. She was not interested in having her photo taken at first all she wanted to do was feed. Who wouldn't want to be that snuggled up to mum. After a while we convinced her to pose for me. Well......she did a fantastic job. She even fell asleep at the end so I got some of her sleeping. Isn't she just gorgeous??
I found out the other day that one of my photos was chosen to be published in a calendar for the Australian Nappy Network. WOO HOO!!! I entered 2 photos of my dear friend Bec's little boy Jackson. He has been featured many times in here. Well the chose my favourite one. This is a big thing for me and it has really given me a confidence boost.
Not only that but this will be Jackson's second calendar appearence in 2008 as he is in the Australian Breastfeeding Association one as well. He is such a little star.
On the weekend I met a lovely family. They had two of the most gorgeous little girls. A very cheeky 2.5 year old and a delightful 5.5 year old. They had the most lovely little tea party in their bedrooms and I was lucky enough to bed treated to a cup of tea at that party.
So here is a little peek at some of the photos...... I love working with pink :) It makes a change from all the blue I have.
I had a little photo session with Tynan this morning. He loved it cause he was allowed to jump around on my bed. He is growing up so fast now. It is hard to believe that he was a teeny little baby 16 months ago. He has grown into such a delightful boy who loves his brothers so much. He does his best to keep up with them too.
On the weekend I went for a drive out to a beautiful property out near Michelago. Janeta and Greg are building a house on the side of a hill. They have the most amazing view out of their front windows and a family or two of eagles at the top of the hill. I also got to meet a gorgeous little boy called Tyler and his grandma and grandpa too.
It was certainly worth the trip as you could see how in love with Tyler they were. Who wouldn't be with eyes like his. I just thought I would show of some of my favourites....
Oh she was so sweet and tiny, almost 9lbs but I don't know where she put it. I could have quite happily taken her home with me. I don't think Brendan would have minded though. She slept pretty much the whole time. Even when her brothers started banging on the window outside lol. I could have kept snapping away all day.
It is going to take a while to get through the photos as there are so many to choose from. So here are just a couple to keep you going.
Today I got to play with two very cheeky boys from playgroup. We had alot of fun...especially Owen cause he got to jump on the bed!! We played outside too even though the wind was blowing hard. After all that hard work we were lucky enough to have one of Rowena's muffins. Let me tell you....Rowena is one of the best bakers. Her muffins and cakes are to die for. I got to come home with a copy of the recipe too....YUM!!!
So here you are just a few of the photos to see.....
This is little J once again. He is the best model. I am entering a competition for a calendar for the Australian Nappy Network and who better to use for it than Jackson. (I can't pin Tynan down long enough to get photos of him right now) Anyway I had this idea I wanted to try out...well J was brilliant. Even though he wasn't really ready to go to sleep Bec worked hard and he eventually drifted off. So I jumped into action and tried out my ideas.
Well I think I will say they worked beautifully. Even thought he is 13 months old he curled up and stayed asleep for me.
So here are the 2 entries I am submitting for the calendar........I will let you know when I hear from them :)
Sorry couldn't help myself. I have been photographing the two little girls who live over the fence from us. They are just delightful. Little Blair just didn't stop smiling the whole time. Alana...well she made me work for a smile but I did get one. So here you go Mandy and Ashley....your two beautiful girls.......well their feet anyway. I gotta save some surprises for you :)
I am a SAHM to 4 beautiful boys. If you are interested in a photo session please contact me at natbice@gmail.com or on 0406 61 41 40
Member of the Australian Charity Of Childrens Photographers (ACOCP)