This is the second installment of my Melbourne sessions....14 people....I know....... but we had a ball doing it. This session was organised by Dani for her husband and kids and then there was aunts and uncles and cousins and Nannas and Pops...even one uncle all the way from London. It was go go go from the very beginning until we got kicked out of the gardens because they were closing. We moved to the park next door and nearly got blown away by the wind...we lost 2 balloons though....had some tears over it but lollipops fixed that. The icecream man even came to the party...lol.
Dani it was so lovely to finally meet you after almost 3 years. Next time we will sit and have a coffee instead...lol.
Here is just a few for you too see until the slideshow is ready.......ENJOY!!!
Gorgeous Dani and Nat, I love the extended family one!!!
wow what a great shoot... what a lovely family!
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